For those wishing to dive deeper into the topics covered in the SHE Life Podcast, the following authors & written works are recommended. Purchasing any of these books using the links below helps support the SHE Life Podcast through the Amazon Associates program. #CommisionsEarned
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Miki Agrawal
📖 Disrupt-Her: A Manifesto for the Modern Woman (2018)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/3WWm0hj
Jaime De Angulo
📖 The Lariat: And Other Writings (2010)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/42tEnew
Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh & Henry Lincoln
📖 Holy Blood, Holy Grail: The Secret History of Christ & The Shocking Legacy of the Grail (2004)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/3NhtkRz
Jules Bois
📖 L'Éternelle Poupée (1995 edition)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/3Cj9X4m
📖 Satanism and Magic (2022 edition)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/42uJ4VJ
📖 The Little Religions of Paris (2022 edition)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/43HpB50
Emma Calvé
📖 My Life (1920)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/3IYL0yA
James Carroll
📖 The Truth at the Heart of the Lie, How the Catholic Church Lost Its Soul (2021)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/3oSQ4Om
Patrice Chaplin
📖 City of Secrets (2021)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/3J1t3zM
Jean-luc Chaumeil
📖 The Priory of Sion: Shedding Light on the Treasure and Legacy of Rennes-Le-Chateau and The Priory of Sion (2012)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/3NgOjUn
Philippe de Cherisey
📖 Stone and Paper (2010)
Tobias Churton
📖 The Gnostics (1999)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/3oPNNDt
📖 Invisibles: The True History of the Rosicrucians (2011)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/46gYgIO
📖 Occult Paris: The Lost Magic of the Belle Époque (2016)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/3WSPwVc
📖 The Lost Pillars of Enoch: When Science and Religion Were One (2021)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/3Nk2f09
Mary Condren
📖 The Serpent and the Goddess: Women, Religion, and Power in Celtic Ireland (1989)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/3qAAwix
Philip Coppens
📖 The Canopus Revelation: The Stargate of the Gods and the Ark of Osiris (2004)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/3oUVwjC
📖 The Cryptogram of Rennes-le-Chateau: A Guide to an Enigmatic Village (2012)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/3MWuBMp
📖 The Stone Puzzle of Rosslyn Chapel (2015)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/3Nitkkj
Robert Graves
📖 The White Goddess: A Historical Grammar of Poetic Myth (1948)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/3CpFYrt
Roxane Gay
📖 Bad Feminist: Essays (2014)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/3NhHVfC
📖 Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body (2016)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/42skTXO
Germaine Greer
📖 The Female Eunuch (1970)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/3OUh0Ia
Carl Jung
📖 The Red Book: A Reader's Edition (2012)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/43OETou
John Keegan
📖 The First World War (2000)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/3qLk8fb
Henry Lincoln
📖 The Holy Place: Discovering the Eighth Wonder of the Ancient World (1991)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/3CjciMq
📖 Key to the Sacred Pattern: The Untold Story of Rennes-Le-Chateau (1998)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/43rmoqJ
📽️ Exploring the Da Vinci Code: Henry Lincoln's Guide to Rennes-le-Chateau (2005)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/3NhktPJ
Audre Lorde
📖 The Selected Works of Audre Lord (2020)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/3CnByRD
Dorothea Mitchell
📖 Lady Lumberjack: Dorothea Mitchell at Silver Mountain (2013)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/3P5Qzzr
Lora O'Brien
📖 The Irish Queen Medb: History, Tradition, and Modern Pagan Practice (2020)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/43qx2xD
Lynn Picknett
📖 The Sion Revelation: The Truth About the Guardians of Christ's Sacred Bloodline (2006)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/3P0tVs8
Lynn Picknett & Clive Prince
📖 The Templar Revelation: Secret Guardians of the True Identity of Christ (1998)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/3qBI2d1
📖 The Masks of Christ: Behind the Lies and Cover-ups About the Life of Jesus (2008)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/3CgLVqv
Gerard de Sede
📖 The Accursed Treasure of Rennes-le-Chateau (2001)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/3MWPlU9
Marija Gimbutas
📖 The Goddesses and Gods of Old Europe: Myths and Cult Images (1974)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/3MYw3Or
📖 The Language of the Goddess (1979)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/45V5i5Z
📖 The Civilization of the Goddess (1992)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/3OWMWf1
📖 The Living Goddesses (2001)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/3oJSYFb
Merlin Stone
📖 When God Was a Woman (1976)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/42sbyiO
Tracy Twyman
📖 The Merovingian Mythos and the Mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau (2004)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/43KQVzf
Tracy Twyman & Alexander Rivera
📖 Baphomet: The Temple Mystery Unveiled (2015)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/43jIDPb
Jean-Luc Robin
📖 Rennes-le-Château: Saunière's Secret (2014)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/42yWq2Z
David Wood
📖 GENISIS: The First Book of Revelations (1986)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/3qtfnHc
📖 Geneset: Target Earth (1994)
Amazon.com Sponsored Link https://amzn.to/3oUX652