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SHE Life Guided Meditations
A Journey through the Major Arcana of the Tarot
In this new video series Lori will guide viewers through short meditation sessions focused on the 22 Major Arcana of the Tarot Deck. Each card of the Major Arcana represents a different stage of life's journey, from innocence to wisdom, and viewers will explore these themes to gain insight and personal growth.
New videos will be published weekly beginning in Spring 2024.
Guided Meditations
Guided Meditations
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The World - SHE Life Guided Meditations of the Major Arcana
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Judgement - SHE Life Guided Meditations of the Major Arcana
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The Sun - SHE Life Guided Meditations of the Major Arcana
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The Major Arcana Unveiled &
What Carl Jung Might Say
Enjoy these free booklets from Lori Paras as part of your journey of self discovery through the Tarot.
"The Major Arcana Unveiled" provides insights and short guided meditations for personal growth.
"What Carl Jung Might Say" examines the Major Arcana from a Jungian perspective, and the potential understanding it offers towards one's self realization.
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